Some people can look put together on the outside.

The saying is, "If you only knew."  

Looking put together


Some people wear their sadness and disappointment all over their face for everyone to see.  They want everyone to be aware that they are not happy.   

Others are the opposite; they hold on everything inside and never complain.  I have to admit I am like that, I hate conflict. 

It is said that you should not be whole on the issues.  However, sometimes complaining about everything will not help. Which would be better for you?  

Would you prefer to complain about the things that you cannot control?  By holding on an issue, can it cause you more problems, as they say?  

The best thing we can do is think an issue through and pray about it.   Don't let your problems spill out and take the control back. Be proactive, even God can't help you if you don't take the first step.

