Are you open to the truth? In the story, The Emperor's New Clothes, the Emperor went through town showing off his new clothes. He walked through town with no clothes on, as people cheered him on. They made him believe what he was wearing was a great outfit. No one wanted to tell him the truth. It took a child to tell him the truth.
Telling someone your true feelings about an issue can be hard. Personal feelings get in the way. People come up with many ways to person their pants are unzipped. People might point to the zipper area, come up with hint words to tell them. Sure the boss never has a problem telling you if you messed up at work. They will come to your desk and bring all the reasons how with them. Your co-worker who talk to you all the time, and smile when you greet them, may not come to you directly. They rather bring it to the boss about you.
Your work performance depends on more than you showing up to the job in new clothes. Can you handle criticism? For some, it can be taken the wrong way. They may take a little pointer as a stab against them. We let our feelings take over, blocking us from realizing that a little direct view can help. The sad part is when you don't want to hear the truth, you can cut yourself off from doing better. That you are truly not wearing clothes.
If you were the President, leaders, or head person would you want to know the truth? Let's face it. Accept other views may help to improve on our image.