Memorial Day is a day to remember family

My father was in the military. He supported a wife and six children on his military pay. I was never in the military, so I do not know how it feels to service my country by going into other countries that would take pleasure in seeing me on the ground dead.
I know some young and brave people today who are servicing right now; I call the family also. I pray that while they in the services protecting this country and having to go over to other countries that they return safely home with all their body parts. I thank them and pray for though who have war and lived to tell about it. I am remembering the ones who have died, for the freedom of all.
Many confuse Memory Day with Veterans Day; some think they both are the same. However Memorial Day observed for those who have died while in service during battled and wounded in battle.
This was started three years after the Civil War ended, and we were having to set up graves for those who have lived and the ones we have lost.