Monday, it's lesson time.  I get in to my car and drive to my aunt's house. I go in and hang out like I usually do.  Just waiting around.  Then I throw up the words, "Are we going to get a game in today?"

Of course she says yes, as she runs around to get the games and the pen and papers, ready.  Of course I go and get something to eat and position myself, taking out my cell phone and grabbing the TV remote.  I am laughing all the time, this is going to be fun.  How mad am I going to make her today?

She quit after I beat her the first games.  I was showing her the video from the vine.  Have to learn how to play the game. 

Who knows what you can pick up form some thing like my next favor webs site for information, The Vine. 

Check out the video where the cat chases the dog, that was about the attack the baby, that was pretty cool, make wants me think differently about cats for sure.

And the movie we watched was:  Julia Roberts, Erin Brockovich
