CHANNEL: It is Graduation time!

 It's Graduation Time!

Yes, I have one coming out of High School, getting ready to take on the world.  But what does that mean?  

I remember when I was graduating High School, I had a plan. No I didn't not have a plan, I knew I was going to college.  I knew I had to get a job, I had a job planned already.  I knew my parents would not be planning where I would go from there on, it was my own plan.  

One out of every, how many kids will have, Mark Zuckerburg success after dropping out of Harvard?  I wonder what his parents thought of his decision of drop out of college?  If they are like most parents these day, after high school the line has been drawn?  They had to say it is your life, just don't ask me for another ***** dime. 

Lady Gaga dropped out NYU, how could you?  Jay-Z didn't even go to college; Bill Gates, some say he is the rich person in the world, a college drop out; Rachel Ray college drop out; Lindsey Lohan did not even finish High School, poor example maybe a little more education was needed?  There are more Jennifer Aniston, Michael Dell, Ted Turner, the thing is they had a plan and followed through. Congratulations to all the Graduates, that is an accomplishment in itself.  Your life starts now, college or no college, you have to make a plan.
