VIOLATION heard that word before.  They will normally put it in red, write it in large letters, or even,  underline it.  Warning you need to fix this right away or else.

 I was told that while I was working one day, "You are in Violation".  My department was evaluating ways to save money.  They told me I had on too many lights on, when I was the only person working in the office. It an office with no windows.

I came home from running to errands yesterday, to see a utility truck in front of my house.  The person came over, of course, I am worried that I may have gotten to pay the bill.  He explained to me that he was working on something at my house, while I was away and had a problem.  He wanted to check if the services in my house to make sure everything was working correctly so I said fine.  So he walked through, checking the equipment in the house, then he called me over said he needed to explain something to me.  He said these things are in "VIOLATION".  He was going on, about how it was installed in correctly, that he was going to have someone else come out to check on it.  Then he started writing it down the information (citation) and hand it to me with a Red tag.

The funny thing about utility companies if I had called them for servicing, I would be lucky to get someone there in 24 hours, i.e. cable company, phone company, even the water department, they need a couple of days.  One hour later here comes another person, he then writes up the violation again and flag's the appliance with a big red sticker.  The problem is so minor, they did not have to turn off the appliance, but because twice it was flagged, what are my odds if I don't correct the problem of something happening. 


