We all grew up watching cartoons on television. Then there were the hero of the funnies in the Sunday news paper. Well it has grown over the years, into something big called Comic Con. The first few years, that the convention was in San Diego, I did not think any thing of it. While I was on my way home from work I would see all the people in costumes from the event. At that time I still didn't think any thing of it except that another event was happening in the great San Diego. Last year was the first time I actually went down and saw what a great thing it was to be happening in San Diego. Let's just put it this way, marketing of the newest movies, television, products and so much more. Promotion by advance screening of new apps and things to the public. The event is so big now that you could not make it through in one day maybe not even in two day, they allow three days for the main events. I have never seen so many filming crews in one place, filming every event, actually I should say trying, promotion and marketing at its best.
You may think you have seen it all but there are so many surprises at Comic Con, that even I have to admit I would not have never even looked or known about a lot of these movies, shows, products if it wasn't for this event. I give you a hint on one thing new I found out about Amazon has a new ways for you to get your products. Locker? That was just one of the things Amazon was promoting. There is so much more three days worth.