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It's Just Business
It's just Business, I should have written about this subject a long time ago. We go to work five days a week, most of us. We work at the job, eight hours a day, and we work with the same people everyday. You see these people more than your family, you are friendlier to them than your family. You have more meals with them than your family, go out with them and develop a closer relationship with them then you family. They may even make you happier than your own family, at times, but they are not your family.
If you make a mistake of any kind your family will not be firing you. They will resent you for being promoted to their boss. Or even try to get one up on you, by impressing the boss.
They maybe friendly and you may develop a bond with them, but this is business. There is a bottom dollars. Your family may get mad at you for something but you will not lose your job. This is business, don't get it twisted, when you go home that person will not be waiting for you with open arm.
If you marry a coworker, or go into business with family, of course
that takes it to a different level. Family working together will have to
take major standards, who is doing what.
People develop friendships a jobs, but a day or a year the friendship is over, it's just business.
Moments: King of Queen, TV show
Carrie on the show was a secretary, but she was assigned a special project to complete. First thing she notice from the group she was assigned to help her on the project, was that no one wanted to work together to get the job done. They were unwilling to see her as the boss and of course they did need her to tell them how to do there job.
So she asked a person who worked for her before to come in as a friend, to help. Then she notice no one wanted to share their job, they felt threaten, as if their jobs was going to be put on the line because they need it help.
One day when she walked in to work, she saw the same person she asked her to bond with the employees, mocking her leadership. She was so anger that she fired everyone. Of course she realized that there was a problem, that only left her to do all the work. Business can only run one way, in order to be successful, boss vs employees.