Celebration time  

Re: Birthday, heart problems, celerbating, family                          


Present: I made it to another birthday. I know that sounds kind of strange to say that, but I like to count my blessing.  I love to see and hear about people celebrating birthdays, even though I am not much into celebrating.  What it represents to me is a plateau, a stepping stone in life.   Three of my siblings have birthdays in this month.    
Stair step, the first was my brother, then me, and four following after me each has passed the 45 years of age.

Passed: I am not much into celebration.  I they age I love telling people I was, when I was twenty-three.  At that time I was the youngest person in the office that I was working at.  As each person have a birthday, the office would decorate that person desk, and someone would make them a cake.  Then everyone, and I mean everyone from all the department would come wish you have happy birthday.

My father passed away from a heart attack when he was 45 years old.  He had several heart attacks before he finally passed; at one point, they claimed he was revived 30 times during one attack.  When he passed he left behind a wife and six young children, all in grade schools.  What he left behind also was a hereditary chance that one or all of his children could die the same way. 

Today I made it to another birthday, passed his age.  I have four siblings behind me; all have passed the age my father passed away. 

I am not into celebrating birthdays, but I thank God for each birthday for me and my siblings.  I am celebration life for all of us.

I look forward to the future.  Who know what it might bring.  I may even have a big party like Oprah, with all my friends, that is something I have never done.  

Every 37 second a person dies of a cardiovascular disease.  If you have a parent who passes before the age of 50 chances are high that the gene is there in the next generation.  

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