There was a movie called, "You've Got Mail," with Tom Hans. He meets a woman through email (Meg Ryan).
It is the continued announcement of the email that I was remembering. Sort of like your email, on your computer and phone, the answer continues every single time a new one comes in.
They say that email is better then the U.S.Mail, because you can get it faster and usually there is no lose of mail, unless it goes into spam. But there is a trade off for instant, my email is growing at such a large rate such a opened a separate account only for my website. If this was US mail it would be in piles every where around, but instead it is piling up in my inbox waiting for my attend. The more I delete, the more I get.
This is some (and I mean some) of July's emails so far:
And so on, I also have the social media contacts Facebook, Google plus, Word press emails, and the promotional email.
For reason like this, all the values of email is why people do not get back to you right away. My other personal email account, now I may look at it once or twice a week. That emails account is way down on the list, of priority, mostly personal bills. This like I said the more I delete the more it grows.
In the US Mail, all I have was a couple of grocery sales pages, a couple of coupon pages, Subway, Pizza ads, Pennysaver, a couple of utility bills.
What does your mail look like, how much of it do you really look at?
It is the continued announcement of the email that I was remembering. Sort of like your email, on your computer and phone, the answer continues every single time a new one comes in.
They say that email is better then the U.S.Mail, because you can get it faster and usually there is no lose of mail, unless it goes into spam. But there is a trade off for instant, my email is growing at such a large rate such a opened a separate account only for my website. If this was US mail it would be in piles every where around, but instead it is piling up in my inbox waiting for my attend. The more I delete, the more I get.
This is some (and I mean some) of July's emails so far:
- Daily diet and exercise
- Free Walmart card
- Free Verizon phone
- Four free movie tickets
- $100 for Papa Johns
- USA Job resource
- $50 for M&M
- 275 free coupons
- Paid surveys (a lot of them)
- Galaxy S5, Visa, Free Coffee
- $150 TJ Max
- AT&T Phone upgrade
- Amazon Fire Phone
- Sample Tide detergent
- Free health screening
- $100 Outback Streak House
- Nissan clearance (Delete)
- You have been hired for $3195 a month
- Free Gold member
- free coffee sample
- Haro (web news
- I am suppose to write for them)
- Another person from word press following me
- Chase card
- Master Card
- $100 Walgreen
- 64 pack of Doritos
- $75 Walmart
- LOreal Makeup kit
- Grand prize Raffle entry
- Burger King of McDonald pick
- $100 to do a Facebook poll
- Nike shoe, $430 a day
- Haro again, AT& T Smart phone
- Wanted $2,00 a week
- $99 Payment Pending
- $500 check
- Hired $2475 weekly
- $100 Pepsi questionnaire
- Another $150 Walmart card
- Another follower on word press
- Citicard
And so on, I also have the social media contacts Facebook, Google plus, Word press emails, and the promotional email.
For reason like this, all the values of email is why people do not get back to you right away. My other personal email account, now I may look at it once or twice a week. That emails account is way down on the list, of priority, mostly personal bills. This like I said the more I delete the more it grows.
In the US Mail, all I have was a couple of grocery sales pages, a couple of coupon pages, Subway, Pizza ads, Pennysaver, a couple of utility bills.
What does your mail look like, how much of it do you really look at?