Preacher walked to the front of the church on Sunday morning, he
looked around at the people who had gathered for the service.
He began by saying, “It is time to clean up God's house. If anyone
here has had an odd with their neighbor, excuse yourself and step to
the back near the door”.
couple of people got up and went to stand by the door.
Then he
continued, “If anyone of you has said something or acted toward
your neighbor in an offensive way, excuse yourself and step toward
the back door”.
couple of people got up went to the back, to stand by the door.
Pastor looked as only a few people had walked to the back of the
room, everyone else remained seated.
the Pastor said, “How about this, we all should know the ten
commandments. If you feel that in some way, form, or action, you
have broken any one of them walk to the back. Slowly one by one
people started to walk to the back, near the door. Until only one
person was still seated.
the Pastor, himself started to walk to the back with the others but
said to the one person still seated, “I guess you are in the right
place, the rest of us will have church outside today”.