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What are the things in your life that you should have let go of, but you continue to hold on to? You can’t even think of letting these things. I have heard some crazy stories in my life of things that people have held on to just because they did not want to let go of certain things. There was a show on television show where the person had lost so much weight that he were able to get into the pants that had been in his closet for twenty years. My closet is the places where I have held on the any things that I know I will never wear again. The rule is that if you have not worn it for seven years chances are you won’t wear it again.
Some people hold on hope during a bad relationship, but that another stories. Let focus on what we can control, our choices. So why is my closet just like so many women filled with things that I will never wear again? What will happen if I was given the choice like on one show where the family had to cut back on half the things in their house? I would have the same problem they had of see everything they owned had a high value.
Some hold on to even more the clothes in their closet. There are those are people who hold on to issue, that have happened in the past. The could have, would have, or should have in life is something many of use dwell on. We hold on to it inside of us just like a closet. Even worst some people around us will tend to remind us of those times. Do you know it can affect every part of your life, even you health?
It’s like if you smoked and all of a sudden you find out you have cancer. This is the sad truth, how many times has someone told you that you should quit going to replay in your mind. And there is nothing worse than when you are overweight and you are told by the doctor that you have diabetes. You life will role in your mind, of they things from your past that contributed to it. Unfortunately we can not go back in time.
Think about the billionaire challenge, “The Giving Pledge”. The challenge to people who are billionaires, to donation money. How many billionaires were not willing to donate, knowing that they don’t need all that money to maintaining their family or life style. They certainly can not buy their way into heaven with it.
Picture yourself at the end of the rope (just like the end of life). If the rope get cut (bad news comes to you), how far will you fall. Who will be holding the other end of rope, to your fate, your decision, your choice.
Joan Rivers passed away, accepting her life is what it is. She said to her daughter I had a good life. We know she love her family, and stood by her convictions good or bad.
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