Not that I will be watching all of them, I am like most people have a certain type of show which I like to watch, some people only stick with dramas shows, others prefer mysteries, then there are criminal shows and there are the reality shows that are popular. When it come to the new show most people will stick with the type of shows that interested the in same group. I wonder how many taping of a new shows they do before there is a chance it will be cancelled. Obviously promotion is everything, I was thinking about Comic Con, that is when I heard about the show Blacklist for the first time. I did watch its preview at Comic Con and James Spader is a good actor. I have to admit that was my first time going to Comic Con, but when the show air it really was better than I expected. I did not expect to be sitting on the edge of my seat watching a television show. This year I also went to Comic Con for my second time there were two shows that aimed to draw the most attention Constantine and Gotham.
I have my shows that I look forward to watching regularly, so if the new shows happens to air before or after one of my favorite shows there is a chance I will watch it. I did watch Scorpion on Monday, because it was right after the premier of Big Bang Theory, it was a pretty good show. I had not heard of the show until a couple of days before it aired.
Well lets see how the rest of the week goes for all the other new shows hoping to get your attention and mine. The chopping block can be so cold. The Washington Post, I notice only give two new show an A- rating, that is the rating it gave Blacklist, so what about the other 24 new shows. They gave Scorpion an F also, listen to me I watch a lot of crime shows it was alright.