"I Admit That, I Fall Short."
"It is sinful", was the words someone said about a reality show where the Preacher were displaying all their wealth. Some people may agree with that statement when it comes to those who like to show off all that they have. You may feel how can they go to their churches every Sunday and preach to others to give when they have so little. It is funny the way people can judge others.
I myself being the average person may not have a lot, but I am not on the street yet. I can say that even though I don't have money in the bank. But as I opened my closet and dresser draws everyday trying to decide what to wear I know I have more than I need. Is that a sin also? It is easy to hold someone else to a higher standard then we hold ourselves.
I just like many others when it is time to make changes and get rid of things find that I one have too much, and two I am not will to give away many of my things. As I look around at my books and papers mix in with all my beautiful things, well to me they are beautiful, I can see my history. The time and the money I spent even though I am not wealthy. Now, I do go to church and I do what I can for the church ministries does that make me a hypocrite, because I am unwilling to part with a few things when I have so much that my closet and dresser drawers are overflowing?
Most of us are not wealthy, but can we honestly say we give until it hurt. The stone is on the ground pick it up. While your doing that think of the overflow in your closet.