There was a movie that became a television show called,"My so called Life."Reality is about what is real; and it can not be changed no matter what you do. There is no do over, no replay.
It was someone real life being filmed, just like all these reality shows. If a person dies while the show was being taped there would be no replacement to step in the role.
When you think back on your life, can they make a reality show from it. What kind of show would be written for your life?
What are the things in life that you wish you had done? Would you have focused more on your education, more family time, saved more money, work less or maybe worked harder. Have you ever talked to someone about your hopes and dreams and it seems like they can't related? What it means to me is life is just a big puzzle and we need the pieces to fit in.
The show and movie, "My So Called Life" reminds me of all the turns or curves in life that happen every a day, as life is moving on around us. I remember when I was in my early twenty, I use to love to tell my age, now it an insult to ask me.
There a book called, "Choices" by Shad Helmstetter. Which was one of the many self help books I have read. It is about how the choices we make in life direct our lives. Obviously we can't take back the choices we make. The purpose is to see how very choice you make effects your life.
Even though most people do not really vision their future, until they are about the graduate from high school, sometimes not even then. They may be still in the moment, and their choices at that time will be based on whatever is happening right then.
The point is you do have a choice. We can't expect every choice to be the right one and that everything will be perfect, so think about if carefully.
There will be bumps in the road of life, they could cause your plans to change completely. If that happen, hopefully you can adjust your plans and have no regrets. Which is what choices are really about?
The point is you do have a choice. We can't expect every choice to be the right one and that everything will be perfect, so think about if carefully.
There will be bumps in the road of life, they could cause your plans to change completely. If that happen, hopefully you can adjust your plans and have no regrets. Which is what choices are really about?