My Third Wish: For You is to have Fulfillment
A lot of people say they are happy; they have the best life. But are they fulfilled? There are different types of fulfillment.

Fulfillment means satisfaction or happiness from achieving ones desire.
Remember when you were young, your only worry was getting your homework done for class the next day, then Graduation Day came. It was such as great relief when they call your name. It is the steps in life, the completions that mean the most to you.
It is the steps in life, the completions of the things that mean the most to you. The joy that can mean more to you. It is a personal feeling, that may seem simple to others.
Like a child taking their first step, but when it is your child, it means the most to you.
There are so many things that happen in life, that we never take the time to think what would we really want for ourselves. Thanks about house or expensive car they come with additional responsibility. The joy that you feel in your heart for something you have done for your or that someone has done for you is something it stays with you long after the car has been replaced or the house has been remodel.
I have had a few things that I completed over my life, like Graduating from High School and then College I have to admit I really never thought about how much joy each gave me until it was completed.
It is on my wishlist for you.
by Ivy Lynns
"Always be on your A game", Jazmine, 12 quote.