In life there are always go to be things that come up at a moment's notice. In the morning, most people only allow a certain amount of time to get to work each day. You get in your car to drive to work, but along the way the traffic comes to a complete stop, you notice ahead of you the road is blocked by many cars. Who knows what has happen, some people just choose to react badly at that time. Getting angry at people for being on the same road they are driving on, probably on there way to work also. To top it off once you make it to work and the boss shows no sympathy when you are late.

Will you let that control your whole day, want to take it out on everyone around you. Some people will do that, letting one problem effect how they are going to feel the rest of the day. They will have the inability to move on and change their attitude about how the day is going to be. Unfortunately, things do happen in life that we do not have control of, but we can have control of how we handle it. The fact is the day does not end because you were late for work. You have to be able to move on into the day, and not let, how your day started set your attitude for the day.
This is a good exercise:
- Close your eyes for 10 seconds, and then breath in.
- Think to yourself, I am starting over.
- Your boss may think your nuts but, say good morning to him or her again. It's about your mind making the adjustment. You just made the adjustment.
- Look at the big picture, where you are at that moment.
- Get back on track, it the beginning of the day.
I remember once when I showed up later for work, I rushed in hurrying to my desk, but behind me came about three other people for the same reason. Guess what, you were not on the road alone.