We Get Obsessed With Success Stories
Have you read or watch a story and get stuck thinking about it for minutes, days, or months? It can happen when you read something that is sad or great, if you can relate to it. Some inspirational stories or saying, you want to remember and have hope from them.
Someone had showed me his interview of a successful person who lived in the same area. I became obsessed by a interview on Q, who owns WORLDSTARHIPHOP, a website with crazy videos. Even though I am not doing the same type of business, I like to read about people who started with nothing. I must have watched the same video ten times. Why is it that I have not heard about him and his success? Could he have been my neighbor, the millionaire next door, and I just did not recognize him. I became more interested in his success. It is said that when you are starting a business, look for success stories.
I grow up in San Diego, where most of the people in this area lead a simple life. Considering the city is one of the most expensive places to live in the country with one of the highest taxes and gas prices around. It is the price we pay for living in the sunshine state.
In San Diego, we have a lot of great things going on like the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Legoland, and now the most casinos in California. Most of the people who live here go to these places with an incentive, we will go when they are having a special deal.
There probably a lot of well-known and successful people in San Diego, because it is close to Los Angeles and Hollywood. That may be why Q, himself chose to live in this area. Of course, there are other big events like Comic Con, San Diego Fair that bring a lot of people to the area to visit.