It is time to work on the New Year Plans, but first we need to clear up a few things. It is house and desk cleaning time. You will feel so much better after you do.

Go through the closet.
Go through the emails and delete some things.
Sort and return things you did not want of use.
Sort through clothes and old things you don't want or cannot use any more.
Sort through paperwork that has been piling up, shred and trash.
Go through email, quickly read then delete if you're not considering it at all.
Get a few things back in order, mop and dust.
Time to sort the edit notes, or delete completely.
Get organized so that you know where you are doing next.
Organize your projects, so you know what has to be done first.
Change things around.
Change or edit an exiting project to make look new.
It is the time to change the things that are not working.
It is time to return the gift you don't want.
I have a few things planned, for the coming up days, and hopefully they will lead to great ideals for the coming up New Year. Besides for the standard goals that I set each year lost weight, exercise more, get out more. I try to include something new that I want to accomplish for myself. Like you know I am aiming to move up on Google's list, I have my writing that I want to take it another level; I want to have lots of friends and followers for the coming up year. Oh that is a lot, well I dream big.
What one things you can get done today, that will make your life a little better?
Like don't forget that forget stores have a very strict policy after the holidays. There are only a few days that they will take back pretty much anything without question.

Go through the closet.
Go through the emails and delete some things.
Sort and return things you did not want of use.
Sort through clothes and old things you don't want or cannot use any more.
Sort through paperwork that has been piling up, shred and trash.
Go through email, quickly read then delete if you're not considering it at all.
Get a few things back in order, mop and dust.
Time to sort the edit notes, or delete completely.
Get organized so that you know where you are doing next.
Organize your projects, so you know what has to be done first.
Change things around.
Change or edit an exiting project to make look new.
It is the time to change the things that are not working.
It is time to return the gift you don't want.
I have a few things planned, for the coming up days, and hopefully they will lead to great ideals for the coming up New Year. Besides for the standard goals that I set each year lost weight, exercise more, get out more. I try to include something new that I want to accomplish for myself. Like you know I am aiming to move up on Google's list, I have my writing that I want to take it another level; I want to have lots of friends and followers for the coming up year. Oh that is a lot, well I dream big.
What one things you can get done today, that will make your life a little better?
Like don't forget that forget stores have a very strict policy after the holidays. There are only a few days that they will take back pretty much anything without question.