Have You Ever Been Around Someone Who Acts, As If You Did Not Exist in the World?
Do you know a person who has a better-paying job then you. Obama may be the president, but we know he is no where in the top paying jobs.
These people may choose to live in a better neighborhood, because they can afford it. They can buy expensive cars and clothing because they have money. Go on nice vacation and spend lots of money. To them, you may not exist, even though you work just like they do for a living. You speak to them or smile to greet them and they will not even acknowledge you, as if they were the president.
You think to yourself; I can buy expensive cars or clothing if I were willing to pay that expensive price. I can go on vacation to the same places, if I wanted to. I would have to save and plan for it to do that.
These people you see them on the street, at the grocery store, at the park jogging each day, or even at the same church on Sunday. However you don't exit in their world.
What world are they living? Remember there is only one world that we are all are living in. We all came in the world the same way; and we will leave here the same way. If they fall down, you would help them up, even if they do not know who you are.
Some people really do not get it, we are all in this world together.