When you are in school, you have the chance for an education. If you work on the job, that is your chances to learn and make money. When you get involved with someone, that is your chance to have a relationship, and find love. When you do something special, that is your chance to prove yourself and show you true talent. Take it, each single time you get the chance.
How will you get to where you want to go in life if we do not try something? Sometimes it really does require you to step out on faith. Also you may have to do a little research and do some hard work. It may require all three if you want to not be in the same place tomorrow.
I was just listening to an interview of a person who said I had no job, so I tried to set up a web page. Now she is making millions. She not the only one, there are people everyday that are taking one ideal and making their dreams come true.
Of course if your plan does not work out, don't give up. Just reorganized and try something new. That is what chances are all about. You really don't know what you can do, if you don't try.