It is the first workday, of the week, of the New Year.
I don't know how I am going to do it, because I have so many things, I want to accomplish this year. I have been told by a few people slow down and focus.
There was this comedy skit where these two guys were talking, one of the guys was asking the other person a list of things that he was going to do. The other person answered would be the same, no I have not done that yet. Well this year I want to check off a few of the things that I did not get done.
A few of the errors from last year need to be corrected, so that things are in order. Then it is time to update everything. Next put in motion some of the new plans for the year. That will be thing week's goal.
What I have been doing these last few weeks, is researching other websites. I have been looking into some of the top blog sites. They focus on coping information from others, which is where we differ. I am going a different direction completely; but I am hoping to get the same results.
That must be part of being an artist, we like to be original, so I am back to work in My Studio. What direction are you going this year? We can go together, follow me.