Life Experiences

Life Experiences

We have things that happen to us every day.  We stored those thoughts in our mind.  Some of the events have been may have been bad, there the one we never want to think about again; and then there are too good memories that we talk about years later.  The memories are all based by chose, the good and the bad, what we want to hold on to. 

In our past there are things, we hold in our heart and mind that can you be replaced:
  1. A special book that you could read repeatedly.
  2. Many people have a song that they know every word to.
  3. There can be a movie that you will never forget.
  4. We can have special people in your life, who held us up.
  5. Some moments in our lives that made us cried. 
  6. The places we have gone to, that hold many memories to attach.
