There are times when we can feel as if we have waited a lot of time on something, and have gotten no where.

The project took longer than expected.
It was more work than you could handle by yourself.
You ran out of time because other things gotten into the way.
That is the time to reorganize the plan and make it work. Anything that you do is never a waste if you can find a way to use it to your advantage.
I am training on how to design a website on Dreamweaver. It is a beginner's class so the instructor is giving you limited information so that you will have to take the next class in order to learn more. He leaves out bites and pieces, while he is doing the training. Which means it you take me longer to design a website with the program. Of course, I am learning from the class, but it is just enough.

The project took longer than expected.
It was more work than you could handle by yourself.
You ran out of time because other things gotten into the way.
That is the time to reorganize the plan and make it work. Anything that you do is never a waste if you can find a way to use it to your advantage.
I am training on how to design a website on Dreamweaver. It is a beginner's class so the instructor is giving you limited information so that you will have to take the next class in order to learn more. He leaves out bites and pieces, while he is doing the training. Which means it you take me longer to design a website with the program. Of course, I am learning from the class, but it is just enough.