The is a message that you made have missed, it said to call today. I like so many people look at my phone waiting for it to ring, when it does rings, you may look at the caller ID and still not answer the call. Most of us these days can't manage without our cell phone. Of course, I would never take a call while driving, but other do; I would take a call in the bathroom, but some do. You see people answering the phone everywhere, the store, bar, movies, at dinner, and the place that we really shouldn't take calls.
It is a sign of the times that we can get a call from anywhere, or at any time, and there are times that we won't take a call, because of the number displayed on the caller ID. However, you never know what the person on the line has to say until you answer it.
There are also calls that will not be on you phone. It is your calling in life, a chance to make changes. That is a call you do not want to miss.
Be inspired by the things that happen in life.
It is a sign of the times that we can get a call from anywhere, or at any time, and there are times that we won't take a call, because of the number displayed on the caller ID. However, you never know what the person on the line has to say until you answer it.
There are also calls that will not be on you phone. It is your calling in life, a chance to make changes. That is a call you do not want to miss.
Be inspired by the things that happen in life.