Would you give up a gift? We know it there and we feel it all around us, it's some of the things we take for granted.
We can feel the wind on our face, as we walk through it. How can you not feel the air even though we need it to breath. It would be like walking and not knowing that there is ground beneath your feet. The air and the ground have been there since the beginning out time, a gift from God.
We take so many things for granted that we don't consider them and how they effect our lives such as the sun to keep us warm, the water that we drink. Not everything in life cost, some of the the most valuable assets are free.
We face so many things in life, and get wrap up with issue that we don't thing about how the birds are free.
"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." John 12.32
#the wind
We can feel the wind on our face, as we walk through it. How can you not feel the air even though we need it to breath. It would be like walking and not knowing that there is ground beneath your feet. The air and the ground have been there since the beginning out time, a gift from God.
We take so many things for granted that we don't consider them and how they effect our lives such as the sun to keep us warm, the water that we drink. Not everything in life cost, some of the the most valuable assets are free.
We face so many things in life, and get wrap up with issue that we don't thing about how the birds are free.

"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself." John 12.32
#the wind