I wonder if Obama ever thought of be president when he was a small child? I remember playing with the other kids when I was a young child, sometimes we would play as if we were in a classroom, someone always wants to play teacher and teach everyone. A lot of kids like to play doctors and give out medicine. Most boys want to play being a soldier, police officer, or fireman, girls like to play with dolls, being the mother. Most boys will play sports and think about become a pro when they get old, girls dream of becoming singer, or fashion model. I don't ever remember anyone saying I want to be president.
Of course, many kids at a young age play sports with friends, like kick ball, track and footbal, hope to one day become a professional. How do people decide they can be president and run a country. It not like running a business, or even being a Judge, like some kids like to play. To image yourself at a your age thinking of ways to cut the budget and spending for the world is something else.
My son did not decide to go to the military until he was in his last twenties, my friend's daughter join the military at eighteen. Every child will see a direction for their life as time goes on.
With the drama involved in politics today, does any young person want to take on, thinking that they can do a better job? Is there a future President in your child? Do kids today even set their goals that high, at young age?